FMD has a large community on Facebook. This target group is predominantly on the move and therefore needs to be able to access all resources while on the go. For this reason, it was essential to design the website responsively so that the wealth of information could be displayed optimally on any device without losing clarity.
Website for Europe's largest film-maker community FMD
Innovative and user-friendly presentation of the projects
FMD Productions is setting new standards in the field of video marketing, has the largest community of filmmakers in Europe and specialises in foreign productions. FMD produces unique and spectacular events and campaigns in exotic locations around the world and transforms simple productions into comprehensive ‘all-in-one’ media campaigns.
The task was to develop a website that reflects the core competencies of FMD and provides the user with the best usability. The site should provide a quick overview of the areas, productions, community and best practices. An interactive map has been added to the homepage as an eye-catcher. This allows visitors to quickly view FMD's past projects in all countries.
The colour scheme was adapted from the existing corporate design in an ‘electric neon’ style. Furthermore, the gradients, colours and shapes from the CI and past projects were reused and incorporated into the implementation of the website.
Optimal display of images and content on all devices
Responsive webdesign

A quick overview of our current foreign productions
Interactive maps (user experience)
Our aim was to implement the four main topics ‘Room category overview’, ‘Restaurant overview’, ‘Event location overview’ and ‘Spa and fitness’ in a user-friendly way. The viewer should be able to quickly grasp the diversity of the hotel and find out more in detail. With the Call2Action buttons, the user can book a room or reserve a table at any time.

Interactive product descriptions
Moving content without being overpowering
This interactive module can be used to better present largely unknown services and products. In this example, the features of an FPV drone are presented by means of 6 flight characteristics via video as soon as the mouse moves over them.

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